2019年6月28日 星期五

6. Troubleshooting

 Sometimes injection molding process produce molded parts with defects. It's a waste and result in decrease company's profit. We must find out the root cause and prevent a recurrence of the problem. In troubleshooting section, we learn cause and effect diagram to identify the root cause. You will realize all details of injection molding process by thinking every factors. Finally, we discuss all kinds of molding defects to understand why they can happen and how to solve them?


6.1 Cause and Effect diagram

6.2 Defects Troubleshooting



6.1 Cause and Effect diagram

 To understand cause and effect diagram, you could refer the links as below.  了解特性要因圖可以參考底下的連接。   Cause and Effect diagram on the Wikiped...